Cambridge University Yacht Club confirms its commitment to a policy of equal opportunities. This policy is supplemental to the Club's Regulations.
A. General Principles
In line with University policy, CUYC aims to create the conditions whereby members are treated on the basis of their relative merits, abilities and potential, regardless of their gender, colour, ethnic or national origin, disability, religious or political beliefs, socio-economic background, sexual orientation, or other irrelevant distinction.
CUYC believes that a standing equal opportunities policy is in the best interests of the Club and its members.
B. Collective Responsibility
The protection of this policy is the responsibility of CUYC and of everyone in it. All members have a personal responsibility to adhere to and apply this policy in their dealings with others both internal and external to the University.
B.1 Non-Discriminatory Language
All CUYC publications (including but not limited to website publication and other publicity) will avoid the use of words or phrases which are directly or indirectly discriminatory.
C. Member Responsibility
C.1 Discrimination and Harassment
Discrimination or harassment by any member of CUYC, or victimisation or anyone who has complained of such, will be regarded as misconduct and dealt with by expulsion from the Club, or other such appropriately severe measure. [CUYC Constitution (version 1) §B.4]
Any member of CUYC who believes themselves to have been the subject of discrimination or harassment should bring the matter to the immediate attention of the Commodore, or any other Officer with whom they feel most comfortable.
The Commodore or other Officer, along with the Committee, shall investigate the matter with best possible speed and sensitivity to the situation.
C.2 Forms of Harassment
Harassment can be difficult to define. Differences of attitude or culture and the misinterpretation of social signals can mean that what is perceived as harassment by one person may not seem so to another. However, the defining features are that the behaviour is unwanted by the recipient and would be regarded as harassment by any reasonable person. Harassment occurs when another person's behaviour causes discomfort or humiliation to the recipient.
C.2.1 Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment can be physical or verbal. Physical - Ranges from touching or patting to indecent assault or rape. Verbal - Sexually suggestive remarks or compromising invitations to aggressively foul language.
C.2.2 Racial Harassment
Racial harassment includes:
Insults and racist jokes
Physical assault and unwelcome physical contact
C.3 Bullying
Bullying, whatever the motivations, will be treated as a form of discrimination and is therefore covered by this Policy. Bullying may be defined as any vindictive, cruel, malicious or humiliating treatment or behaviour such as:
Picking on people unfairly
Making unfounded criticisms
Isolation or non-cooperation at work or in class
Aggressive behaviour or conduct, physical or verbal
In all cases, the Commodore will advise the alleged harassing Member that a formal complaint has been made and that they have the right to be supported by a representative.
D. Complaint Against a Non-member
If a complaint is against a non-member of the Club, the complaint should be made in writing to the Junior Proctor of the University.
Version 2 : Dan Murray June 2013